Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Parental Awareness and Drug Education

What is Oxycontin and Oxycodone (generic name)? Oxy's are a schedule II narcotic regulated be the FDA. They are prescribed by doctors for the relief of pain in more severe cases. Unfortunately they are being sold and used illegally by both adults and youths. It is a new epidemic that has drawn national attention and has caused numerous deaths. It is time you are made aware of this drug and possible signs of its use by a loved one or friend. We are not going to talk in technical jargon, we are going to talk in plain everyday english so there is no doubt as to what you will read here.

What makes Oxicontin's Bad

type=textThe way they are being taken! You see Oxy's in their usual time released form are to be taken orally. Here a small dose is released into the system providing very effective pain relief. There is no real disturbing "high" and the doctor will use as small a dose as possible monitoring your use and reactions. Altering the manner of which these are taken is what cause the "Rush" or "High" that is so desired amongst drug users or even casual users. This is where the addiction begins, and Oxy's are very very addictive. The addiction is close to a heroin addiction. Oxy's are now a drug that is in high demand on the streets. Parents need to be aware of how to identify Oxy's, they come in many forms, but also the different items used to take this drug in various ways. Just in caee you happen to "find" by accident of course some strange questionable items. Read on for more about the various ways these drugs are taken

What is a Rush and how it is obtained

type=textAs we mentioned before Oxy's ingested orally release the drug very slow into the system thus providing relief from pain through out the day. This is as intended. BUT what is being done is the Oxy's are being crushed into a powder and taken in one of three alternate ways. When you crush any time released pill and take it at one time there is no longer a time release factor and the user recieves the FULL DOSE at once! Thus a rush, a rush of the drug at full speed hits the system. The methods? Snorting, Smoking or by Injection. The addiction begin here and it is serious and dangerous and has caused death.This is the "High" junkies look for. And once a user is addicted, in order to detox one would have to seek the same help one would look for for Heroin addiction. This is not "Pot" this is the real deal now. Te withdrawals are both heart breaking and painful. Let us proceeds into Methods.

The many faces of Oxycontins

A small listing



type=textThe method is the same as Cocaine.
The Oxy pill is pulverized in to a powder. A razor blade or the like is used to makes lines of the powder and it is snorted through a straw or rolled up bill.


also known as a blunt

type=textTHis is when the pulverized Oxy powder is laced, mixed, into the tobacco of a cigar or cigarette. Sometimes it is also mixed with Marijuana rolled into a Joint and smoked.

Injection by Syringe

The ultimate Rush.....True Addiction

type=textThe Oxy is pulverized into a very fine powder. Then placed into a spoon with distilled water and heated with a lighter or candle to cause the powder to completely disolve into a liquid. A tourniquet, or something like it, is used to help raise a vein if needed. The now liquid Oxy is allowed to cool for a short while and then drawn into the syringe for the injection into the vein. Note: The vein used can be anywhere on the body so you may not see the marks.

Street Availability and Prices

Paying for Addiction

type=textAt this time the price for Oxycontins or the Generic Oxicodones are in the range of $1.00 to $2.00 and more PER Milligram. Of course this depends on location, availability and how strong the need. Once a seller knows thier buyer is addicted the price rises and with Oxy's it is only a matter of time. Be aware of perhaps your teens is always out of money after you just gave them some. Jewelry missing, tools any item that might make a sale or be hocked. Cash missing from a wallet or pocket book? Maybe another child under your roof is missing money. A guest visiting leaves and notices their pocket book wallet has money missing? You give your child lunch money but you find they are not eating lunch? Keep your eyes open. Im very sorry to have to make these suggestions or even to imply that a addiction can happen to a loved one or friend but I prefer you dislike what I write but are a bit more enlightened.

Is your Young Man or Lady Selling?

Youth being used.

type=textIm sure many dont want to read this but lets face reality. There is money to be made in these drugs for your child. So who better is there for a supplier to use to sell the drugs then a young man or lady with alot of friends. Perhaps popular with the "In Crowd" and influential over other kids. Keep your eyes open for expensive or new items found around the room of your kids. Maybe clothing or video games. Could be anything but where did the money come from. Remember a user loses money where a supplier makes money. Here is how it goe's a dealer makes a deal with your child and supplies the drug. Perhaps .50 on the dollar or free pills to your child for every sale. The dealer has minimized his exposure and risk by using the teen to distribute. Sooner or later the seller is going to get caught but the dealer is smart enough to stay free. You have to prove that this person is a dealer to implicate him. Its not that easy. In the meantime you now have to deal with the Local Police, Federal Agents since narcotics are Federal, The Court System and lets not forget.......The Lawyers! The average family may be broke by now. Conviction is almost certain.

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